I used to get teased a lot by the boys because I would play house with the girls and my brothers were our children.
Sex was never mentioned around the house and unbelievable as it may seem I was sixteen years old before I knew boys and girls were different and it was a girl who told me. I have always been able to get along with women better than with men; I think it's because I can talk about the home, children, and cooking better than about sports and cars and things men usually talk about.
When I was eighteen I had an argument with my dad because of his drinking and I left home and joined the army. While in service, I never thought of wearing feminine clothes because I didn't have access to these things. As the saying goes, “Out of sight, out of mind." After nearly two years in service I was discharged because of a broken back I received in an accident. Five months later I was married to a girl I had met while home on leave.
I used to enjoy buying my wife's clothes for her and she did too. I didn't realize at the time that this was the same feeling I got with my mother's things except that I didn't have to wear them, just to buy them and touch them seemed to be enough. The things I bought for her were the same things I would have bought had they been for me. She used to say I had such good taste.
The training my mother had given me in domesticity helped a lot in our marriage. My wife didn't have this type of training and I had to teach her to cook and bake. At that time I didn't use her clothes to get a thrill, as I was just enjoying getting used to being married.
About a year after we were married I took a job with a variety store. In my job I had to help put stock on the counters. When I would touch the lingerie I would find myself getting very excited and nervous. It wasn't long before I bought my first pair of panties